Abstract Programming Task Force for Poster Sessions Sign-Up
At this time, we have enough reviewers for most topics but we still looking for an additional person for each of these topics:
3 Cilia and Flagella
20 Physical, Chemical & Systems Cell Biology
21 New Technologies and Frontiers
The ASCB is offering early-career, mid-career and postdoctoral members an opportunity for involvement on the Cell Bio Virtual 2020 Abstract Programming Task Force. The primary purpose of the task force is to review the abstracts submitted for poster presentation and program them into poster sessions for the upcoming annual meeting.
Through a fully online process, the committee will review abstracts from Friday, September 4 through Friday, September 11 at midnight EDT. Reviewers will indicate if any abstracts need to be assigned to a different topic, or if the abstract does not meet the minimum standards required for acceptance. be available on September 14 and/or 15 to ensure that any re-assigned abstracts are scheduled.
You must also be available to review late abstracts from October 9 to 15. This process will also take place online and once the abstracts are reviewed, you will be asked to create sessions for all accepted abstracts from both reviews based on guidelines and instructions from the ASCB staff.
Selection is first-come, first-served.
Fill out the form below to participate. You will need to select a first and second preference topic, with the option to select a third, and fourth preference as backup. Please click here and visit the “Abstract Topics” tab to view available topics, with their respective subtopics. You and your co-reviewers(s) will be responsible for all of the subtopics under that umbrella topic. There are typically 30 to 170 abstracts to review per umbrella topic. The number of reviewers per topic will be determined by the number of abstracts submitted so each reviewer will have approximately 25-50 abstracts to review and program. Please only pick topics you are comfortable with so you will be able to assign abstracts to proper categories and in an appropriate order.
If you are selected as the reviewer for a topic, details will be sent prior to each review with instructions and more information.
We will contact you by August 28 to let you know if you have been scheduled to serve on this task force.