
Scientific sessions known as Minisymposia offer the most groundbreaking research representing each of the seven scientific meeting tracks at Cell Bio 2023. Top-scoring abstracts within each scientific track are scheduled into Minisymposium sessions. There are 28 total scientific Minisymposia and one Education Minisymposium.

The Minisymposia for this meeting, including speaker information, can be found below.

Sunday, December 3, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Sunday, December 3, 5:20 pm to 6:50 pm

Tuesday, December 5, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Tuesday, December 5, 5:20 pm to 6:50 pm

Session Co-Chairs Information

Timeline & Key Dates

Co-Chair ApplicationsApplications accepted to co-chair a Minisymposium. Deadline: April 27
Co-Chair ReviewProgram Committee Track Chairs review and score applications.Late April to Late May
Co-Chair NotificationsApplicants are notified.Late May/Early June
Abstract SubmissionAbstracts accepted for consideration for Minisymposium Talks. There are 6 talks in each Minisymposium.Opens Early June; Closes August 1
Abstract ReviewMinisymposia Co-Chairs review and score the abstracts and the weighted average score is used determine top-scoring abstracts in each scientific track.August 4 to August 18
Session SchedulingCo-Chairs use top-scoring abstracts to create Minisymposia sessions.August 23 to August 30
Speaker NotificationAbstract submitters are notified. Co-Chairs also receive correspondence about their session.By September 15