The American Society for Cell Biology in its discretion confers honors and awards on individuals for significant contributions to the field of cell biology. When the Society awards an Honor, the Honor reflects the Society’s judgment that an individual’s contributions meet the standards as outlined in the award criteria. The Society takes into account the work done by the individual that has resulted in the nomination for the particular award, the totality of the individual’s work, and the professional and ethical conduct of the Recipient.


ASCB awards are lifetime awards. This policy applies to Recipients of any ASCB honor or award both before and after they receive an award or honor.


To be eligible to receive and retain any ASCB Honor or Award, an individual must: (a) Comply with the ASCB Community Code of Conduct as set forth now and as may be revised from time to time;

(b) Have made significant contributions to the field;

(c) Fulfill the criteria of the particular award of honor; and,

(d) Exhibit continued ethical conduct in their personal and professional lives.

ASCB’s reputation becomes attached to the individuals who are named ASCB Awardees and Honorees. ASCB has a significant interest in protecting the value of its good name and reputation. For that reason, ASCB retains both a right and a role in ensuring that its Award and Honor recipients reflect well on the ASCB name. Toward this end, candidates for an ASCB Award or Honor affirm their compliance with this policy and their understanding that ongoing compliance with this policy is a condition of retention of their award.


This policy is adjudicated and enforced as follows, subject to any future revisions.

(1) Evidence of disqualifying conduct received in advance of the issuance of the award can result in the ASCB CEO or President in their discretion withholding issuance of the award.

(2) Notwithstanding any other procedures set forth in this Policy, if the ASCB Executive Director and the President or Vice-President agree that a situation or conduct warrants emergency action, at their discretion they can take immediate action to suspend the conferral or retention of any Recipient’s award or honor.

(3) If a concern is raised or information is received concerning the conferral or retention of an honor or award and the Executive Director or President believes there is merit to the concern, the President will appoint the Executive Director and two current or former Councilors to serve as a Review Committee.

(4) The Review Committee will review the available facts, in their discretion seek to obtain additional facts, advise the Recipient of the situation, give the Recipient an opportunity to address and respond (at least ten working days), and as deemed useful contact any witnesses. The Committee may seek the advice of one or more ASCB Councilors, legal counsel, and outside experts. Once the review is complete, the Committee will report its findings and make recommendations to the ASCB President to make a decision in their discretion.

(5) Decisions are based on a preponderance of the evidence, meaning that it was more likely than not that the Recipient engaged in the alleged action or otherwise did not comply with this Policy.

(6) Such decisions are appealable only to the ASCB Executive Committee, who decide in their discretion whether such appeal will be in person, by video, or by phone. The Executive Committee’s review is based on whether the President’s decision was clearly an error and an abuse of discretion. Their decision is final.

(7) Disciplinary actions can range from a verbal warning, to a suspension, to a revocation of an ASCB honor or award.

Attestation to the Honorific Code of Conduct

By signing below, I do hereby attest that I have read and am in compliance with the ASCB Honorific Code of Conduct and, I understand that any evidence found that indicates a violation of this policy may subject me to disciplinary actions, ranging from a verbal warning to revocation of an ASCB honorific award.

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