How to Boost Your Research Project with the Support of International Research Infrastructures

ASCB is presenting a series of Education and Professional Development videos for the benefit of our members.

How to Boost Your Research Project with the Support of International Research Infrastructures

This video was recorded on Dec, 10, 2019, at the ASCB|EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC.


  • Frauke Leitner, Scientific Project Manager & Technology Advisor at EMBL
  • Bahne Stechmann, Scientific Strategy Officer, EU-Openscreen ERIC
  • Radislav Sedláček, Laboratory of Transgenic Models of Diseases, Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences – BIOCEV Centre
  • Naomi Gray, Instruct-ERIC, EU Scientific Project Manager – University of Oxford

Research is becoming ever more complex and increasingly requires access to state-of-the-art technologies and specialized expertise, which are not always available to researchers. Consequently, modern life science research often sees a dissociation between the researcher, who leads a scientific project, and the technology expert, who has the expertise to perform the required experiments. Academic institutions aim to fill this gap by joining forces within international research infrastructures, which allow researchers to integrate innovative technologies, resources, and expertise (e.g., in imaging, compound screening, mouse disease models, and structural biology) in their research projects. This interactive session will be a unique opportunity for international scientists to learn how researchers have benefitted from working with the four research infrastructures Euro-BioImaging, EU-OPENSCREEN, INFRAFRONTIER, and Instruct-ERIC. Different funding options will be presented.


  1. Learn about the research opportunities provided by the four international research infrastructures: Euro-BioImaging, EUOPENSCREEN, INFRAFRONTIER, and Instruct-ERIC.
  2. Discover technologies, resources, and expertise offered in biological and medical imaging, compound screening, mouse disease model phenotyping, and structural biology.
  3. Understand application procedures and discuss them with experts onsite to successfully integrate offered technologies and expertise in your own research projects.

About the Author:

Mary Spiro is ASCB's Strategic Communications Manager.