How to Approach New Collaborations

In this video, we will hear about the right practices to navigate the collaboration landscape.

You will learn:

  1. How to start a collaboration
  2. How do end a collaboration
  3. Best practices for successful collaborations


Pratik Kumar is an HHMI postdoc at Janelia Research Campus and a member for ASCB COMPASS committee.



Luke Lavis is a Senior Group Leader and Head of Molecular Tools and Imaging at Janelia Research Campus. He works at the interface of chemistry and biology, developing small-molecule fluorescent dyes to illuminate biological samples. He is leading the Open Chemistry efforts at Janelia and his lab has given away thousands of vials of dyes at no-cost to hundreds of labs across the globe.




Denise Cai is an Associate Professor at the Department of Neuroscience at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Her lab focuses on basic learning and memory mechanisms as well as their disorders. She was one of the lead developers of Miniscopes, an open-source miniature microscope system for calcium imaging in freely behaving animals


Starts: June 22, 2022 3:00 pm EDT

Ends: June 22, 2022 4:00 pm EDT