Cellular Dynamics

Join Emerging Researchers Maria Lastra Cagigas, School of Medical Sciences, UNSW Sydney, Australia, and Mugdha Sathe, University of Washington Seattle & Howard Hughes Medical Institute, for their talks in the Cellular Dynamics track. Speakers submitted top-scoring abstracts to the Cell Bio 2021 meeting that were not selected for talks.



Maria Lastra Cagigas
School of Medical Sciences, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Dr. Maria Lastra Cagigas received training as a Biotechnologist in the University of Leon, Spain, before moving to Australia to pursue a PhD in cancer cell biology and microscopy. Her research, published in Nature Materials, has found that a protein from the cell’s cytoskeleton is responsible for cell adhesion and mechanosensing of surface stiffness. Maria uses cellular cryo-EM to understand how this protein works.

Mugdha Sathe
University of Washington Seattle & Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Growing up in India, Mugdha lived in six states and went to eight schools. After finishing university, she moved to Bangalore to join the National Centre for Biological Sciences for my PhD. Here, she was co-advised by Prof. Satyajit (Jitu) Mayor and Prof. Mukund Thattai. For graduate work she looked at how curvature sensing protein shape plasma membrane to make endocytic vesicles. After her PhD, she ‘migrated’ to Seattle to join the lab of Prof. Julie Theriot at the University of Washington to study cell migration of immune cells in complex environment in the context of wound healing in the zebrafish model system.


Starts: March 17, 2022 3:00 pm EST

Ends: March 17, 2022 4:00 pm EST

Website: https://www.ascb.org/meetings-events/emerging-researchers-talks/