2nd Annual MarketsandMarkets Cell-Gene therapy Bioprocessing Online Conference( Time Zone – EASTERN STANDARD TIME (EST)

Over the last decade, the field of cell therapy has rapidly grown, and it holds enormous promise for treating many diseases. In our conference of 2017, we assessed the specific risks and benefits of the cell culture and cell therapy bio-manufacturing for the cure of these diseases.
There are still factors like manufacturing maze, investment, logistics and regulatory challenges that prevent the cell and gene therapies to be widely used. We are once again putting together a unique platform to provide the exact solutions to these robust manufacturing and bioprocessing challenges, at our 2nd Annual MarketsandMarkets Cell & Gene Therapy Bioprocessing Online Conference. Learn from the leading experts of the industry about strategies, technologies, and innovations in the area of bioprocessing of cell-gene therapies.

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Starts: June 25, 2020 12:00 am Eastern Standard Time

Ends: June 26, 2020 12:00 am Eastern Standard Time

Venue: Webinar

Cost: 0

Website: https://events.marketsandmarkets.com/2nd-annual-marketsandmarkets-cell-therapy-bioprocessing-conference/


MarketsandMarkets Pvt. Ltd.

(740) 899-8833