What Can Data Science Do For Cell Biology?

“What Can Data Science Do For Cell Biology?” is the first session in ASCB’s “Connect and Discover: Data Science in Cell Imaging Virtual Meeting Series.” During this session, we will shine a spotlight on personal narratives of cell biologists who have chosen to integrate data science into their exploration of cell biology. Join us to hear from the experts as they share their compelling stories, demonstrating how computation played a pivotal role in advancing their understanding of cell biology.


  • Guillaume Jacquemet, Åbo Akademi University, and Turku Bioscience Centre
  • Manuel Leonetti, CZ Biohub
  • Olivier Pertz, Universität Bern


  • Assaf Zaritsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • Meghan Driscoll, University of Minnesota

Speakers Bios: 

Guillaume Jacquemet is an associate professor in bioimaging at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland. He leads the Cell Migration Lab (https://cellmig.org/), which focuses on studying cancer cell adhesion and migration using advanced microscopy. Jacquemet has contributed to developing several image analysis tools, including ZeroCostDL4Mic and TrackMate v7, blending biology with technology to enhance research capabilities. His academic journey includes a Ph.D. with Prof. Martin Humphries at the University of Manchester and a postdoc with Prof. Johanna Ivaska at the University of Turku.

Manuel Leonetti at the Leonetti lab is a multidisciplinary group of biologists, engineers, and data scientists that strive to understand how human cells are built. We seek to characterize fundamental mechanisms in physiology and disease, but also to “reverse engineer” the cell—to understand the details of how it is built in order to be able to predictably tune its properties and behavior. In particular, we develop and deploy technologies to illuminate the function of proteins within the cell using a combination of genome engineering, live-cell imaging and mass spectrometry. One of our goals is to build open datasets, software, and protocols for the entire scientific community to use and explore. Check out our flagship project, OpenCell, at opencell.czbiohub.org.

Olivier Pertz is full professor and co-director of the Institute of Cell Biology at the University of Bern in Switzerland. His research is primarily focused on the spatio-temporal signaling events that govern cell morphogenesis and fate decisions. Pertz’s work challenges traditional biochemical methods by employing novel quantitative approaches to observe signaling dynamics at unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. This includes developing biosensor systems, employing optogenetic and microfluidic technologies to manipulate single cells, and computational approaches to make sense of high dimensional imaging datasets. His contributions offer fresh insights into targeting oncogenic signaling in cancer and advancing regenerative stem cell technologies.

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Starts: June 4, 2024 11:00 am ET

Ends: June 4, 2024 12:30 pm ET

Cost: $0 for ASCB Members; $15 for Nonmembers