Chalfie elected ASCB president for 2022

Martin Chalfie

Martin Chalfie

Martin Chalfie was elected by ASCB members to serve as ASCB President in 2022. Chalfie is a Nobel laureate and professor in the Department of Biological Sciences of Columbia University. He will serve as President-Elect on the Executive Committee in 2021.

Also elected (unopposed) as ASCB Treasurer for a three-year term is A. Malcolm Campbell, Davidson University.

Others elected to Council include Amy S. Gladfelter, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Andrew G. Campbell, Brown University; Erin D. Goley, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; and Casper C. Hoogenraad, Genentech, who is representing members in industry. Each new member of Council will serve a three-year term beginning January 1, 2021.

The recommended bylaws changes, intended to make the Society more open, transparent, and inclusive and to increase opportunities for member involvement, passed by a majority of voting members, including regular, postdoc, graduate student, educator, and emeritus members. The new bylaws will be fully in effect starting in 2021; in the meantime, there will be a transition period for any changes that are required to comply with the new bylaws.

The ASCB deeply appreciates the willingness of the other candidates to run for office: Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, Stowers Institute for Medical Research; Erin L. Dolan, University of Georgia; Jessica Polka, ASAPbio; Nasser Rusan, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH; and Aron Jaffe, Third Rock Ventures.

The ASCB also thanks the Nominating Committee members for their service: Chair Bob Goldstein, Derek A. Applewhite, Prachee Avasthi, Brian Lewis, Rodrigo A. Maillard, Avital A. Rodal, Shirley Tilghman, Scott Wilkinson, Star Thibeault, and Erika Shugart (ex officio).

About the Author:

Thea Clarke is the Director of Communications and Education at the American Society for Cell Biology.