Get to Know: Daniel Suter

Editor’s Note: “Get to Know” is an American Society for Cell Biology blog series devoted to profiling our membership. If you are a current ASCB member and would like to be featured, please contact ASCB’s Director of Membership, Brian Theil, btheil at ascb dot org.

Daniel Suter

Professor of Biological Sciences, Purdue University

Daniel Suter

What questions does your work try to answer?

How do neuronal growth cones guide axons to their target cells? How do reactive oxygen species regulate axonal growth and guidance? How can we improve axonal regeneration following spinal cord injury?

What excites you about your work?

I absolutely love to use microscopy to investigate how live cells do specific functions such as migration. I am particularly fascinated with the complexity of the nervous system. Neurons are the most interesting cells, and there is still so much to learn about them. I also enjoy working with students and training the next generation of scientists.

What are some challenges you face in your work?

Some of the experiments we are doing are technically very challenging. It is not always easy to find the people who are persistent and skilled enough to successfully perform these techniques.

How has your membership in ASCB impacted your career journey?

I made so many connections with other scientists through ASCB like no other scientific society. Every year I look forward to the ASCB meeting. It is the conference at which we have presented our work the most.

What is some advice you would give your younger self?

Make sure you spend enough time with family and other activities. Sometimes we get easily carried away with our work as scientists.

What do you do for fun?

I enjoy playing and watching tennis. I particularly like to play tennis with both of my daughters. I also love to watch movies and go on trips with my family.

Anything else you would like to share?

I have been an ASCB member for 29 years. It is my favorite society, and I wish ASCB all the best for the future.

About the Author:

This post was collaboratively written by several ASCB staff members.