Recent Local Meetings

Participants at the NY Graduate Student Symposium on Cell & Cancer Biology

Participants at the NY Graduate Student Symposium on Cell & Cancer Biology

Fifth GfP Meeting: The Fabulous Destiny of the Placenta
Montreal, Canada. March 14, 2016
The Fifth GfP Meeting, The Fabulous Destiny of the Placenta, was organized as a collaboration of the Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies Research axis of the Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine and was held at Mother and Child University Hospital Center. The goal of the meeting was to share new insights on placental research and give the opportunity for students, postdocs, scientists, and clinicians to create new research initiatives and to establish a multidisciplinary network. Given the success of the meeting, with 46 participants, 12 posters, and 16 invited speakers, the executive committee suggested that trainees create a website for the GfP group. The organizers thank the ASCB for the funding; without this support we could not organize such a successful meeting.

NY Graduate Student Symposium on Cell & Cancer Biology
New York, NY. March 24, 2016
Thursday, March 24, 2016, was an exceptional day. PhD and MD/PhD students gathered from 12 different institutions in the New York area to attend the NY Graduate Student Symposium on Cell & Cancer Biology, which was held this year at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The symposium provided a unique opportunity for New York and New Jersey based graduate students to present their research, share knowledge, and learn new techniques in topics covering a wide area of the field of cell and cancer biology, ranging through cancer genetics, the tumor microenvironment, cell signaling, epigenetics, the immune response, stem cell biology, tissue regeneration, and many others. The symposium included four sessions of oral presentations and two poster sessions, providing a forum for students to interact and promoting networking among local colleagues. The symposium provided a platform for inspiring new connections, exciting collaborations, and mutual support among students from different New York institutions.

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